Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas


This is Titus here. Fuzzy Butt and I have taken over the letter writing this year. Mom has been busy with work and a new relationship. So if its going to get done, the man of the house had better do it.

This year had a rocky start to it with Mom starting a new job in Durham. I think theres a lot of shootings and drugs there, but I think she likes the excitement of every day being different. She also enjoys the high call volume and the higher level of skills she is able to use here in NC vs. what was available in MI. If I had my way, she would be here 24/7/365, but then I do need clean litter and food and toys. So I let her go to work. When Mom gets home, I frequently chase Fuzzy Butt just to annoy her. It works too.

So earlier this year, Mom broke up with the dude she moved here for. That was hard for her, but it did get me more hugs and loves. Just have to look on the bright side. Now, she has been getting to know David. The other week when he came over for dinner, Fuzzy Butt forgot she was timid and never hid. She really likes him. I like him too. But if this ends up to be more than just friendship, David is going to have to understand my rules. But I'll save that conversation for later.

Mom enjoys doing a lot of quilting on her days off work. Course, Fuzzy and I help too. We have to make sure she does it right and then have to test the final products. She says we are her purrrfect quality control department....whatever that means.

The weather here is awesome, although I haven't managed to get out of this apartment to be able to totally enjoy it. But there is plenty of sunshine, which I do enjoy. Someday, I will talk Mom into letting me outside, even if I do have to be on the leash.

Its been several years since Mom has actually bought a Christmas tree. The last time was before Fuzzy Butt was in our family. Anyway, she bought one last weekend. Its small and sits on top of her dresser. But its in a perfect place because I can keep an eye on it, ya know. I already walk across the dresser anyway. But oh, when she opened up the box and pulled out the tree, I was soooo excited! She says I tap dance when I'm extremely happy. But whatever you want to call it, I was a happy cat. I've missed having a tree every year....all those shinny toys to play with and the branches to climb. Shhhhh Don't tell her this, but I can't wait till she goes to work again.
Ok, well its time for another nap. Hope everyone has a Purrrrr-fectly Merry Christmas.

Titus: Fuzz, how are we supposed to end this?

Fuzzy: However humans usually do it.

Titus: Now how often do I read letters?

Fuzzy: You read Mom's mail all the time when she is gone at work.

Titus: Shhhhh, don't be telling everybody that! Ok, well, I guess I'll just do it like this.....

Sincerely The Cats:
Titus and Fuzzy Butt

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